“Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” is a popular manga series that has garnered attention for its unique storyline and captivating characters. The manga revolves around the life of a high school girl named Reika who appears to be sweet and innocent on the outside, but is actually quite cunning and manipulative. The series follows her journey as she navigates through high school life and the various challenges that come her way.
Introduction to “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School”
“Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” is a manga series written and illustrated by the artist known as Kazuto Okada. The series was first published in 2018 and has since gained a large following due to its interesting plot and well-developed characters. The manga is currently ongoing and is serialized in the “Shonen Jump +” magazine.
Synopsis of “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School”
The story follows the life of Reika, a seemingly innocent high school girl who is actually quite manipulative and cunning. Reika’s life takes a turn when she meets a boy named Makoto, who she becomes infatuated with. However, Makoto is already in a relationship with another girl, which leads Reika to hatch a plan to win him over.
As the story progresses, Reika’s true nature is revealed as she manipulates those around her to get what she wants. The manga explores themes of love, jealousy, and betrayal as Reika navigates through high school life and the challenges that come with it.
Characters in “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School”
Reika is the main protagonist of the manga and is known for her manipulative and cunning nature. She is portrayed as a sweet and innocent high school girl on the outside, but is actually quite calculating and devious. Reika’s main goal is to win over the affections of Makoto, which leads her to manipulate those around her to achieve her goal.
Makoto is a popular high school boy who is in a relationship with another girl. He becomes the object of Reika’s affections, which leads to a complicated love triangle.
Kyoko is Makoto’s girlfriend and is portrayed as kind and caring. However, her relationship with Makoto is put to the test when Reika enters the picture.
Yukari is a friend of Reika’s who is also infatuated with Makoto. She becomes a rival to Reika in the battle for Makoto’s affections.
Themes in “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School”
The manga explores various themes such as love, jealousy, and betrayal. The story also delves into the darker aspects of human nature, such as manipulation and deceit. The characters in the manga are all flawed in their own ways, which makes them more relatable to readers.
The manga also highlights the pressures that come with high school life, such as fitting in and finding one’s place in the world. Reika’s character is a prime example of this, as she feels the need to manipulate those around her in order to gain acceptance and achieve her goals.
What is “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School”?
“Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” is a manga series written and illustrated by Kurosawa Riko. The story follows the life of Kiyoshi, a high school student who is known for his good looks and charming personality. He catches the eye of a new transfer student named Miharu, who seems to be the perfect girl. However, things are not as they seem, and Kiyoshi soon finds out that Miharu has a dark secret.
The twist in the plot
The twist in the plot of “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” is what makes it so unique. Unlike other manga series that focus solely on romance or action, this series incorporates both elements in a way that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
As the story progresses, Kiyoshi discovers that Miharu is not the innocent girl she appears to be. She is actually a skilled assassin who has been sent to the school to carry out a mission. Kiyoshi finds himself caught up in her dangerous world and must decide whether to help her complete her mission or turn her in to the authorities.
Characters in “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School”
One of the main reasons why “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” has become so popular is its unique and diverse cast of characters. Kiyoshi is a charming and likable protagonist who readers can easily root for. Miharu, on the other hand, is a complex character with a mysterious past that readers are eager to learn more about.
Other characters in the series include Kiyoshi’s friends and classmates, who each have their own unique personalities and quirks. There are also other assassins who make appearances throughout the series, adding to the intrigue and suspense.
Why “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” is worth reading
If you are a fan of manga series that incorporate elements of romance and action, “Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” is definitely worth checking out. The unique twist in the plot and the diverse cast of characters make this series stand out from other manga series in the same genre.
Additionally, the series touches on themes such as loyalty, trust, and betrayal, which make it more than just a simple action-romance manga. Readers will find themselves becoming emotionally invested in the characters and their struggles, making for a more fulfilling reading experience.
“Not So Innocent Little Miss High School” is a manga series that is sure to captivate readers with its unique twist in the plot, diverse cast of characters, and emotional depth. Whether you are a fan of romance, action, or a combination of both, this series is definitely worth checking out.